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EVM or DSK board


 =DSP based 通訊發展模組


HPI Card


  智控科技(ICT)推出HPI通訊擴充子卡,讓你即時使用TIDSP來作各式的通訊傳輸處理,包含parallel port、seral port、USB 介面,完整支援TIC6713DSKC6416DSK


  • Variety of interfaces to the Host Port Interface on the TMS320C6713 and TMS320C6416T DSKs, opening up a whole new range of capabilities. (enhancement of the DSK6713HPI daughtercard)
  • Allows serial, parallel and USB access to the DSK's HPI port. With this access in place, the winDSK6 demonstration/debugging software can be used, and stand-alone applications can be developed to permit
    a PC host to download software to the DSP and then control its operation.
  • This is ideal for student (or other) projects, where an interface outside of Code Composer Studio is often desired.
  • A complete, functional sample project (including a Microsoft Visual C++ graphical host application and a Code Composer Studio project for the DSP software) is available to make getting started easier.
  • Resources can also be used by the DSP application, through a simple set of function calls that control
    the daughtercard in its DSP Services mode.
  • Gives a DSP application control over up to sixteen (16) bits of digital I/O with individually selectable directions, up to eight 12-bit analog inputs, and easy access to communication over the serial and
    USB links.
  • A number of complete, functional sample applications are available to provide a starting point for application development.

詳細資料請聯絡: tech@ict.com.tw