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aDICE710 Hardware Installation

1. I use the aDICE emulator board in an industrial PC under Windows 2000 pro, but when I boot my machine, my PC reboots during the OS initialization. Have you some idea about this ?

Into an industrial PC, the PCI bridge used to increase the number of PCI bus does not allow mapping of base address (for Legacy mode) and disturbs the PCI controller located on mother board. You must plug the aDICE710 board before the PCI bridge to be able to use it in good conditions.

2. I have performed a reset on emulator with ResetLegacy@240.bat (running in legacy mode at 0x240 base address), and tried to launch Code Composer Studio. It crashed and now when I want to reset my board, a message appears: “Cannot detect target power” whereas my target system is connected to emulator. The red LED is turned On. Could you give me some explanations about this ?

It seems that an access to the emulator has failed. When the red LED is On, it means that your emulator is in a fatal error state (the green led is On when the JTAG controller has found a valid target DSP). The only way to retrieve a normal behavior is to reboot your PC in order to reset the JTAG controller (keep in mind that the XdsReset only performs an EPLD reset).

3. Our aDICE710 seems to works properly (installation successful). The aDICE710 legacy reset works but when I try to launch Code Composer Studio, with a good configuration (target is the ATEME’s IEKC64), it fails. The same test made in another PC works so we think that it is a problem link to the PC. Do you have any idea about our problem ?

It appears that our aDICE710 board does not work when the PCI power supply is under 3V25 (on 3V3 power supply pin). You should measure it on your 2 test platforms and be sure that it is correct.


aDICE710 Software Installation

1. After the installation of the aDICE710 driver, when I rebooted my PC, it crashed with a Blue Screen of Death. What is wrong ?

It appears that sometimes your machine does not allow driver to change memory configuration. Therefore, when the aDICE710 driver maps your board at one of the addresses you have selected, the PnP manager failed. You need to reboot your machine and go to Bios by pressing the Del key during starting. Then you need to search the “Plug n Play OS installed” parameter in the Advanced chipset settings and change it to NO if it is YES and on the other way around choose YES if it is NO.

2. I enable only the 0x0280 legacy address and I reboot my PC. When it starts, I launch the aDICE710 controller tool and I see that the legacy mode is Off. Could you tell me why this legacy address is not taken into account ?

In fact, this address is certainly used by another device driver. The PnP manager of your OS cannot share it with aDICE710 or deals resources differently between these two devices. Therefore, it assigns random addresses for emulator. Nevertheless, in this configuration, you can just work in DLL mode. To free resource which gives problem (0x0280 in this case), you should find the device that is using this address and refer to the associated manual to see how to change resources address.

3. After installation of aDICE710 software package, I configured Code Composer Studio to aDICE710 use. Before launching it, I tried to perform an emulator reset, but it failed. The occurred error was “ ‘C:\ti\xdsprobe.exe’ is not a valid command”. Could you tell me what can I do ?

First you must check that the XdsProbe.exe file path is correct. To do this, edit the *.bat file by right mouse click and select modify. If it is ok, you need to check resources addresses used by your emulator board. Right click on ‘Your Computer’ and select ‘Properties’, in the ‘Device’ tab, click on the ‘Devices manager’. Then, in the ‘multifunction cards’ select aDICE710, and see its properties. In the ‘Resources’ tab, you should see in ‘Resources parameters’ at the second line of ‘I/O parameter’ what base address is used. If you can see 0x0240 – 0x025F or 0x0280 – 0x029F or 0x0320 – 0x033F or 0x340 – 0x35F that means that your emulator works in legacy mode, else your board should be used in DLL mode.