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首頁 DSP應用 影像處理 > IEK C6x11
IEK C6x11
Imaging Evaluation Kit, a full hardware and software solution for image processing on DSP.

Ateme's kit is designed to support all sorts of imaging applications, from real-time audio and video compression through to shape recognition or as yet experimental counting algorithms.

This kit is that it meets the requirements of the first 4 stages of development for a new system or product:

1. Demonstration of the available technologies : Evaluation of the DSP, along with evaluation of libraries available on the market, by means of ready-to-use model applications supplied with the kit.

2. Evaluation of the DSP platform in terms of the target application: Development or porting the end client application so the system's sizing and performance characteristics can be as certained. This evaluation is carried out by using the application development kit with the existing card (saving months of work developing a prototype card), which allows the software designer to avoid getting preoccupied with hardware-related considerations.

3. Function prototype for the system: To provide the prerequisites for function prototyping, once the platform to opt for has been finalized, this image kit can be integrated into the system (other cards, full application, mechanism).

4. Short production runs: Before contemplating any redesign work on the card (which Ateme can carry out), to optimize production costs (or when the number of system products doesn't justify it), the system can be duplicated to meet time-to-market requirements.

The Imaging Evaluation Kit exists in two versions.

  1. The standard version includes:
    - a board with:
    4 video analogue inputs and 1 video analogue output
    1 audio analogue input and 1 audio analogue output
    8 Mo of video RAM
    1 C6211 DSP with a complete memory environment
    1 50 000 gate FPGA customisable for the application
    - driver for the DSP
    - examples of video acquisition, restitution and compression applications
  2. The complete version includes:
    - the standard version
    - PAL analogue camera with an integrated microphone
    - speakers
    - development environment for complete DSP (CCS v1.2)
Block Diagram
Stand alone system used for video and audio applications using FPGA development and the Texas Instruments TMS320C6x11 DSP: fixed point 'C6211 or floating point 'C6711.

- 4 composite video inputs
- 1 composite video output
- 1 analog audio I/O
- 1 DSP TMS320C6x11:('C6211 or 'C6711)
- 1 FPGA 50 Kgates
- Serial and parallel links
- General TTL I/O port
- Single power supply

Download the IEK C6211 datasheet in PDF version (172 KB)